Here at Healthy Home Pediatrics we help families optimize their health, happiness, and peace. We give families peace of mind and save them time and money with our dedicated, mom-led team. Your family deserves a team that is committed to your wellness! Come learn about how we can serve you!
Helping Your Family Thrive Through Concierge Pediatrics
Visits focus on healthy lifestyles, nutrition, play, and sleep. Our care emphasizes wellness, disease prevention, and community-building. Visits are longer and unrushed. Visits are tailored to the everyday needs of your family.
House call visits are performed in the comfort of your own home! We restrict our service range to within a 30 minutes of the physician’s home office to ensure that she is able to quickly get to you when you need her.
office visits
Office visits are performed at the physician’s comfortable and inviting home office. We do not use a waiting room as only one family is seen at a time.
We use a secure patient portal and app.
Our mom-led team is thorough, experienced, and energetic. Keeping children and young adults healthy is what we were called to do!
We respect, value, love, and support all people and families. We are intentional in our commitment to provide inclusive medical care.
what Every family deserves
Every family deserves a physician who knows their family really well, a passionate and highly skilled pediatrician with real world experience. We offer holistic care that emphasizes physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.